Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

woo... one more week gone.

my family and i watched bowfinger today. omg, it was so hilarious. stupid, but hilarious.

leave at 1 for journalism camp. we're going to stay the night in houston. mary's in houston this week too. all my things are packed and waiting. let's hope the trip is a good one, not to mention, safe.

won't be back till thursday, so, no new blogs until then.

Friday, July 18, 2003

and vbs has come to a close. not as big a group today, but still a lot of work to get done. helped in the kitchen today. the little ones made ice cream sundaes, while i pigged out and got fat on the ice cream. all in all, a successful operation.

sunday, i leave for sam houston state. come back thursday.

my ap scores came in. i received 3's on both tests. i took the us history and english lit. and comp. man, was i anxious when i saw the thing in the mailbox.

trying to figure out a nice background for the gu inc. site. also trying to think up a name for the new group. well, i guess it's time to get some work done. woohoo!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

well, one more day remaining of vbs 2003. i've had fun and i'm sure everyone else has. i can't ask for anything more. a picture with a baby cow and all. i mean, that's just awesome in itself.

sunday, i head out for journalism camp. let's hope that goes well.

starting to fill out some of those applications. today, got one for rice and now i'm waiting for mary to send me the ones from tulane. will check the ut-a application online, and maybe even baylor. now, all i need to do is study for sat/sat II/act/ap and hope i get some scholarships.

gu inc. is starting to get their rear's in gear. kind of funny, cuz we don't have any songs yet. but, that'll change soon. make sure to check out our site!

i'll catch you later...
hey. gary and i have our website ready for GU Inc. check it out
