Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Saturday, May 01, 2004


i like it more now.

but i won't let this one die completely.

i'm out.

Friday, April 30, 2004

oh yeah, we got our flowers ordered. somehow, i'm not feeling excited for some reason...

what's wrong with me!?!?!
i don't know. for some reason, i'm feeling really moody. it's something i can't quite put my mind to. like, i want to talk about the day, but i don't know what i would say either.

maybe it's just a realization that my life is changing in under three weeks. so many things are taking place this time of year. it's almost overwhelming. part of me wishes it will never come. i'm going to miss this old life so much. i know living in the past is pointless, but i just feel safe in it. no worries. no problems. okay well, some problems, but nothing i can't handle.

it doesn't help that i'm staying home for college. i can't even get away from it all. i'll be in like limbo. half in the new, half in the old. at least if i went away it would be completely new.

everybody seems happy. i am some parts of the day. why so moody!??! ahahahahaharhaghaglhlkdjglsajlkdsj. yeah okay...

i'm out.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

so, yesterday i got my hair trimmed. it didn't come out to bad, so i'm happy with it. called around this morning about corsages. then i looked around my room and noticed i had $42 left from UIL, which i thought i had spent, but not really b/c i was wondering why i had no more money left when i spent like nothing. sorry for long sentence. but yeah, that's nice. now i have some money to spend!

chemistry test tomorrow. ap's start next week. prom next saturday. and i need to sign up for breakin bball.

i'm out!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Woke up late this morning. Was about to drink a glass of orange juice when my ride to school arrived. School went by fast. Nothing really important happened. It was boring. Now I owe Da $2.50 for lunch. Yeah, that's about it.

Planning on getting a hair cut tomorrow and buying Prom "equipment" on Saturday.

Bored so...

I'm out.

Monday, April 26, 2004

I apologize for not posting last night. Upon returning home, I slept. We then went to the Chen's house for dinner. We came home and worked on a research paper until about 12 a.m., so I didn't have an opportunity to get onto Blogger. Therefore, I will update y'all today.

Friday: We went to school like normal, but we met in Mrs. Martin's room. Mr. Hetrick, the Baldwin's, and a few of the other sponsors were already there. Osborne and I dropped off our stuff, and Paolo also joined us. From there, we had to wait for the rest to show up, so we decided to head to the library. Unfortunately, we we're kicked out because we weren' studying. That supercedes the fact that we were talking quietly. So, we left, and we went back to Mrs. Martin's room. She came in and brought us this ginormous bag of snacks and goodies. Then, Sandy called us. Unfortunately, it was bad news. She had eaten something bad the night before, and wouldn't be able to go to San Antonio with us. Luckily, we were able to contact the alternate school.

After everyone arrived, we loaded the bus. There were a total of 16 going, and 9 of them students. We got a whole school bus. Yes, the dearly beloved yellow limousine (thanks for the sp. Carol ;-) ). At least it had air conditioning. The ride was fairly boring, but we found ways to keep ourselves occupied, whether it was with music, cards, or sleeping. We stopped at a DQ for a break, and I bought a Blizzard. We headed out again and I think I crashed out, because when I woke up, we we're in San Antonio. For lunch, we had Cracker Barrel. While there, I bought a cow beanie baby.

We scouted out UTSA before heading back to the hotel. Following that, we went to one of the local malls. The bus driver hit a stop sign along the way. We had lots of fun. Went to GAP and bought some clothes (I finally used up my gift cards) and we walked around and "browsed" some of the other stores. I was with Paolo, Osborne, and Jeremy, but the latter two went to the food court after a while. They weren't in the shopping mood. The girls ran off to some other stores, and the other guys kind of split off. We left, and we headed to Papaddeaux's for dinner. It was about a 30 min. wait, but it was well worth it. To start off, the food was good. It was Cajun style food, and I ordered a Orleans Fish or Fillet or something like that. It was a piece of fish covered with crawfish and crab with dirty rice on the side. Second, the school payed for the whole meal! It was ~$20, so, it ended up being about $300 by my guestimation. Afterwards we went to B&N and I bought Divine Discontent by Sixpence None the Richer. Then we went back and played some GameCube before we slept.

Saturday: We woke up early to compete. By 9 a.m., we were at UTSA waiting. I actually competed around 11:30 a.m., followed by seven hours of waiting. I did some Biology, ate two hot dogs, and a half-pint of vanilla ice cream, with smartie's in it.

In the evening, we went to the mall again, but this time to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. We had to wait again, so we walked around for about 20 mins. This time, Paolo and I went to Victoria's Secret to buy those mints. We also went to Bath & Body Works. There, we put on lotion and started spraying body mist. We were offered help two times, so it was really funny when we left and the employees were just staring at us.

At the Cheesecake Factory, all the students sat at one table. By then, Victor, Andrew, and Jorge had already left for Fiesta Texas, so there were only six of us left. We continued our stupidity by going to the bathroom in a group and acting as stupid as possible. We ended up ordering three dishes (all six of us, Osborne, Paolo, Kate, Sandy, Jeremy, and I shared them): a shrimp bistro, a pizza, and some chicken dish. For dessert, we ordered three cheesecakes: tiramisu, some oreo one, and another chocolate type. What we did was have one cake in front of us and we had 30 secs. to eat as much as possible, after which we switched. Following that, we returned to the hotel. This time, we stayed up to about 4 a.m. playing video games.

Sunday: We woke up around 8:30 a.m. and headed out by 9 a.m. The ride home was equally as boring. At least we had more space for ourselves. We played cards again and slept. Osborne and Sandy did Physics I think. We stopped at the same DQ again for a break, and we stopped in Falfurias for a lunch at What-A-Burger. Then we left for home, reaching school at about 4 p.m.

Wow. That was a lot.

Today, we received our yearbooks. Tomorrow through Thursday, Srs. get to go to school later (11:40 a.m.) because of testing.

Well, remember to keep praying.

I'm out.