Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I'm sitting in Newspaper with Da on my left. We're not really doing anything. Sandy and Corrine are sitting in their little corner doing something. Osborne is sitting across from me, but I don't know what he's doing. Jeremy seems to be working on the next issue. We're just talking about stupid things.

Only about an hour before we get out for Spring Break. We should be going to Houston for a few days. Hopefully I get my hair done. I'd like to get my hair colored. I'm also waiting for some good Chinese food.

Just finished the Calculus and Chemistry tests. I think I kicked their asses. Hopefully I kicked their asses.

Wishing everyone a good Spring Break. Asian Scholar Society will start writing their constitution today. Good day!

I'm out.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Had lots of fun doing nothing while the others took their TAKS tests. Helped some of them cheat :-P . Having study group for chemistry right now. Only a total of two people came, but at different times. Lopez moved the test to Tuesday after Spring Break. Had a calculus test today. Have another three more problems for tomorrow, and a chemistry test also. Not to mention a history quiz. I can't wait for Houston. Time for some long overdue Chinese food and maybe a new hairstyle. Woohoo! Alright! Rock on!

Okay, I need to get back to studying. I don't want to fail my test.

I'm out.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Return of the King. Return to sexyness. That movie freaking kicked butt! I loved it! "You hobbits bow to no one..." That line seriously made me tear up. I really enjoyed the movie. Plenty of action in this one, which I really like. It strayed a bit from the book, but I don't really mind that. The music is beautiful. I'm going to try to get the soundtrack somehow.

Then the Oscars. The opening portion of the show was wonderful. Introducing Billy Crystal with a parody on Return of the King was a funny idea. It was really cool how they incorporated him into all the scenes and stuff.

And then Return of the King won 11 Oscars! That was so awesome. I was so overjoyed I couldn't even describe how happy I was.

But enough of that.

I'm out.