Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I won't be posting again until Sunday, since that is when we will return.
We're heading to San Antonio tomorrow. The bus will depart at around 8:00 a.m. and we'll probably end up getting there about 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday is when we actually compete.

Osborne has a new date now, so everything is okay again.

I think I did well on my biology test, so thankg God for that.

Remember, keep praying!

I'm out.
Everyone's gone, so now I'm just reading. I'm restless. And I don't know why...

Anyway, just wanted to say to remember to keep praying!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I'm waiting for everyone to get over here for the Biology Bash and Bowlorama. Well, minus the bowlorama part. Last time we went to 2 a.m., so we'll see if we can get it down earlier today. The material seems easy, so I hope everything goes well.

Today was great. Laura said yes, Jason and Gaby both ate some plant that messed them up (I want to say it was poisonous), and we finally finished the fifth issue of the paper. I'm more anxious about the last issue that will be coming out before we graduate.

Regionals in 2 more days! I'm so excited! I really want to do well and place. Our staff has had an awesome year and winning more awards would make it all that more special. I'm going to miss so much when I leave. I better stop here or else I might start tearing...

I'm out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

An uneventful day to say the least. Nothing fun happened today. Maybe playing cards in Calculus, but that was just to past time. Finished all of my homework, so I think I might go study for something. Not sure what though. Whatever comes to my mind.

3 more days until Regionals!

Praying harder than ever. Y'all are in mine and I'm in yours.

I'm out.

Monday, April 19, 2004

What a day! I got an 'A' on my Chemistry test. Thank God! I passed Biology with an 'A'. Thank God again! Mr. Brashear extended the Calculus project another day! Thank God 3x!

Asked Laura.

Just about done with classes at Pan-Am. I finished my interview projects today, so I don't have to do anything else now. I worked on my newspaper stories a bit today. Tomorrow, we're planning on having a Biology study session.

Regionals in 4 days!

Remember, keep praying. ;-)

I'm out.