Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

hey everyone! long time since i posted. will try to make a habit of posting on wednesdays.

had a great christmas. went to new orleans like last year. basically hung out and had a great time. met up with the remnants of the chinese mafia. also played football during the break. we went to see the sound of music with the yu's and then chan's in biloxi. pretty good! celebrated new year's eve with danny, the tsai's, ophie, and terence but watching swat. on the second, celebrated dad's birthdad at imperial. the yu kids and carol came to celebrate with us. man, that food was good. i can wait till i can have it again. all in all a good holiday.

the only sad thing was that dee dee's granddad died on christmas day. but, at least he died in his sleep and he was a christian.

i came back and finally got my acceptance letter for tulane! that's in new orleans for those of you who don't know.man, that made up for a lack of presents for sure. then, on like the second saturday of the new year, i found out i was the monitor's student of the week. man, god had already blessed me twice this year, and i'm not even counting the little things.

i got my report card and yes, i pulled off straight a's barely. man, calculus... i'm so freaking lucky. all applications are sent in, excluding the pan am-baylor program app., but that will go in soon.

birthday next monday. whoohoo! can you say driver's license?

only 5 more months left...

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