Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Friday, April 30, 2004

i don't know. for some reason, i'm feeling really moody. it's something i can't quite put my mind to. like, i want to talk about the day, but i don't know what i would say either.

maybe it's just a realization that my life is changing in under three weeks. so many things are taking place this time of year. it's almost overwhelming. part of me wishes it will never come. i'm going to miss this old life so much. i know living in the past is pointless, but i just feel safe in it. no worries. no problems. okay well, some problems, but nothing i can't handle.

it doesn't help that i'm staying home for college. i can't even get away from it all. i'll be in like limbo. half in the new, half in the old. at least if i went away it would be completely new.

everybody seems happy. i am some parts of the day. why so moody!??! ahahahahaharhaghaglhlkdjglsajlkdsj. yeah okay...

i'm out.

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