Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Current mood:
Current music:
You and Me by Lifehouse
Snore In

Pictures are ready. I still need to steal others from other people, since those were probably cooler than the crap ones I took.Too many, so here's a link instead.

Bryan comes by to pick up his stuff and get dressed. I take my "shawa" to get smelling hot and sexy. Even got Bryan sniffing me up. Yeah babyy!


Parents went back to the office to do some stuff, so Bryan and Kana and I waited for them at the house (Bryan and picked her up after my shower.) They got back about quarter 'til, which is when we left. Barely a block from the house, Bryan remembers he forgot his camera in his car, which of course we "had" to go back to get. So I did a nice circle back to the house. Got to Sandy's about 6 and took two pictures before we left. She had this pink suitcase she brought along also.


We pull out and we reach Nolana when Sandy remembers she forgot the invitations! Oy woman! So we had to U-turn again to go pick up something. Which is okay I guess, since I did need to get onto 2nd anyway. We head for the Garden and find out Bongat still wasn't there! Translation: no table yet. Oy Asian! So I placed a table when we got there, under the name of Lucas. hehe! The guy called for us and the others were like, who the heck is Lucas? I was like, that's our table, follow the guy! Anyway, it was just us three couples: Bongat/Sherrie(Sherry? So sorry, I don't know how to spell your name!), Bryan/Kana, and Sandy and I.


Dinner. Bongat was being a totally weirdo. He might have scared our waiter. Dinner went a little on the line of Bongat being fascinated by his silk tie, softcore porn, trying to apologize to the waiter for Bongat's weirdness, us giving Sherrie props for putting up with Bongat, and us making sure Bryan and Kana didn't like start having sex in the restaurant. Finished up, left and I realized I had too much iced tea. Anyway, Bongat didn't know how to get to Mario's, so he followed me. I lost him a few times due to redlights and heavy traffic, so I had to make good use of my hazard lights and 10 mph driving. Then he decided to drive me insane with his high beams. haha, about twice he drove up beside us and acted like Sherrie was giving him head in the car. I think Sandy might have taken a picture of one of them. We finally made it though, and we come upon Tamez and Grace doing their little red carpet shindig. Funny ladies. You've got to hand that to them.


Bump and grind. Hot and sweaty. Sort of. We immediately went for the picture line, expecting like a 2 mile wait, but there was like no one there. The photographer wasn't the regular dude that normally takes pictures, and he was a little eccentric I think. Anyway, after that we sat around for like 10-15 minutes then hit the dance floor, where I'm pretty sure I surprised Sandy with my undeniably hot dance moves. And then Bongat and Bryan got out of the picture line (it hit peak time right after we left) and joined us. It got really hot, like temperature wise with all those people dancing, so we sat down after they started playing crap songs. Saw Joe, Binger, Paolo, Chris, Jonathan (both), Ricky, Miriam, Corrine, Sammy, etc. Danced more when the music improved, sat throught the slide show, which was boring as hell, since it had the same freaking people the whole time.

After Midnight-1:30

Went to Embassy to hang out, since no one had a house open. Sandy and I sang A Whole New World when it came up on my player, but she totally mangled the song at the end. Unforgivable. Bryan and Kana really started going at it in the hotel room. It was really disturbing. Like I don't have any problems with showing your affection for someone, but dry humping is excessive. We took a few more pictures (the fountain was pretty). Bongat and Bryan kept locking the others out of the suite room, for reasons we really don't know. We can only speculate. Then, we left, b/c the two rabbits (Bryan and Kana) were getting out of hand, and Sandy's mom decided she couldn't stay at the hotel because like Dina couldn't stay or something. Speaking of which, she had beaucoup bobby pins in her hair. I have a picture of HALF of the ones she pulled out. Dropped Sandy off, with her doggie suitcase, went home, and Bryan and Kana left as well.


Uploaded pictures, talked with Chris, who was the only one online. You'd think other people would still be up at 2 in the freaking morning... Couldn't fall asleep until like 3:30 or 4. But that's okay.Well, kids, that's it for the wrap up. If you want to know more, there's pictures and there's always me if you want more details. Tootles!

Click here for a fun time.

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