Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

We lost the Homecoming game. The final score 35-21, Economedes. Osborne didn't win Homecoming King either. The band nominees won.

Will work on Physics race car tomorrow, as well as study for the SAT.


Sunday, October 12, 2003

Well, I slept late Friday night. Actually I technically slept early Saturday. But anyway, that's not important. I woke up around 9:30-10:00 a.m., ate breakfast, and got showered. At around 12:30 p.m., Osborne came by to pick me up for the Senior Informal picture.

We got there on time and instead of the fire truck that I thought they had requested, we had two army trucks to take the picture. Da was already there, and he had saved spots for us. We got up on the deck of one of the trucks, and we waited for about 10-15 minutes for the photgrapher to get ready. By that time, there were so many people on the truck and around it. Finally, he was ready. We held up our signs, which read Asian Mustangs. Da was also wearing his Chinese cap and sunglasses. It was great. Jeremy brought us home afterwards.

I did some Calculus homework, ate lunch, and slept a bit. And that's about all that happened.

Homecoming in 13 days...

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Friday started out rather well. I had forgotten to take my World History book home the night before, so I only had my notes to study from. Despite that, I think I did okay on my test. We had another dull day in Art. We're starting on the large perspective project. In Chemistry, we completed the second part of Lab Five. Raphael and I messed up our procedure a little, but we were able to work it out in the end. I was a little late to Biology, but all we did in Biology was take notes. I had lunch in the Journalism room, like always, and Jeremy helped me with a Physics problem. In Calculus, we had a lesson on finding the derivative or arcsine and etc. It's not as complicated as it looks. Hopefully I'll do well on the test, whenever that is. In Newspaper, Corrine and I went around the school looking for some News Briefs to fill in the extra space in the newspaper. Finally, in Physics, we finished the test that we started on Thursday.

But that's not the important stuff. What is important is that our football team finally won their first football game. And it was an away game too! We had to travel to Rio Grande City. I got a ride there from Laura and we got there a little late. The score was already 7-0 Mustangs. We scored two more rushing TDs, and entered halftime with a 20-0 lead. The second half was not as productive, but we held the Rattlers to only 6 points. Final score was 20-6. I was a little disappointed Dietz didn't get me a pick, but that's okay. We won at least!

Later today is the senior informal picture. Osborne came over yesterday to work on the signs that we will be holding up.

Homecoming is in like two weeks...

Friday, July 25, 2003

i'm back! back from j-camp. had lots of fun. learned lots of stuff and i even won two awards! i thank God for the awards and the chance to go to camp.

sunday - left after church. watched monsters inc. ate at cracker barrel.

monday - arrived at the dorm. ate at subway. started classes.

tuesday- have to get up like 6:30. get to class and work on projects. lunch we have wendy's. back to class afterwards and then dinner at 5. chik-fil-a. we even took pictures with the cut out cow. back to the dorm and then got t-shirts. supposed to be a dance, but it looked like crap. stayed in the dorm and listened to music.

wednesday - woke up at 7:50. that's like when were supposed to be in class. my roommate and i get ready and head out for the building. ate lunch at chik-fil-a, which is on campus btw. class again. at 5, head to dorm for some ping-pong. watched american juniors. omg, wth is that? lol, rafael thinks one of the girls is hot. sandy calls and wakes us up at midnight. get those staff t-shirts.

thursday - last day. everyone kind of dissappointed we have to leave, but it was fun. class for the last time. then back to the dorm. my instructor released us 30 mins. early. i leave with the yearbook staff to go to the awards ceremony. when the layout instructor goes up to announce the awards, i go cold. she calls out my name for best use of art. i swear i must have been pale going up. later on, she calls my name again for the best personality profile page layout. this award is a trophy! i was like shaking omg. take pictures with the staff and such before leaving. eat cracker barrel again. watch saving silverman, sweet home alabama, coyote ugly, and the sandlot on the way back.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

woo... one more week gone.

my family and i watched bowfinger today. omg, it was so hilarious. stupid, but hilarious.

leave at 1 for journalism camp. we're going to stay the night in houston. mary's in houston this week too. all my things are packed and waiting. let's hope the trip is a good one, not to mention, safe.

won't be back till thursday, so, no new blogs until then.

Friday, July 18, 2003

and vbs has come to a close. not as big a group today, but still a lot of work to get done. helped in the kitchen today. the little ones made ice cream sundaes, while i pigged out and got fat on the ice cream. all in all, a successful operation.

sunday, i leave for sam houston state. come back thursday.

my ap scores came in. i received 3's on both tests. i took the us history and english lit. and comp. man, was i anxious when i saw the thing in the mailbox.

trying to figure out a nice background for the gu inc. site. also trying to think up a name for the new group. well, i guess it's time to get some work done. woohoo!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

well, one more day remaining of vbs 2003. i've had fun and i'm sure everyone else has. i can't ask for anything more. a picture with a baby cow and all. i mean, that's just awesome in itself.

sunday, i head out for journalism camp. let's hope that goes well.

starting to fill out some of those applications. today, got one for rice and now i'm waiting for mary to send me the ones from tulane. will check the ut-a application online, and maybe even baylor. now, all i need to do is study for sat/sat II/act/ap and hope i get some scholarships.

gu inc. is starting to get their rear's in gear. kind of funny, cuz we don't have any songs yet. but, that'll change soon. make sure to check out our site!

i'll catch you later...
hey. gary and i have our website ready for GU Inc. check it out


Thursday, July 03, 2003

Mary's coming!

Happy early Fourth of July! See you in San Antonio!

Monday, May 19, 2003

Well, were almost there. Only two more weeks of school left. Going to exempt most of my exams.

Don't have an internet connection right now, so I won't be on as much. Looks like more game playing for me then. :-D


Sunday, May 11, 2003

Well, what did you do for Mother's Day? I made breakfast and helped with dinner.

Everyone helped with Grace's science fair project.

The Trinity website is almost complete! Unveiling it tomorrow or Tuesday to the pastor. Should be exciting.

Sorry for such a short blog. There isn't much to talk about this week for some reason. Won't have a DAILY RANDOMNESS today, since not of it seems interesting. Will try to make it more interesting next time. Later!

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Well, today marks the end of 2002-2003 AP testing. I took the English Literature test Monday and the U.S. History test today. That was basically the highlight of the day. Will start working on the church website for Wednesday.

Didn't have a 8th period class to go to, so I vegetated in the journalism room. Chatted with a few people and played some games. Damn, it's really hot outside!

Come home and relax after about two weeks of studying. Would like to work out my body more. Get in shape and tone some muscles. Got back into Subspace after the week vacation. Looking forward to recruiting new members for next season. About to sign off for the night soon.

"Is the person who was sitting next to you before the break sitting there now?"
"It's so quiet without Alan."
"I'm not going because I'm not cool enough."
"Yeah, okay Charlene."
"I got +1 for #1."
"$9.50 and that's my final offer."

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Hey. I have an AP test to study for, so I won't post much today.