Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Friday started out rather well. I had forgotten to take my World History book home the night before, so I only had my notes to study from. Despite that, I think I did okay on my test. We had another dull day in Art. We're starting on the large perspective project. In Chemistry, we completed the second part of Lab Five. Raphael and I messed up our procedure a little, but we were able to work it out in the end. I was a little late to Biology, but all we did in Biology was take notes. I had lunch in the Journalism room, like always, and Jeremy helped me with a Physics problem. In Calculus, we had a lesson on finding the derivative or arcsine and etc. It's not as complicated as it looks. Hopefully I'll do well on the test, whenever that is. In Newspaper, Corrine and I went around the school looking for some News Briefs to fill in the extra space in the newspaper. Finally, in Physics, we finished the test that we started on Thursday.

But that's not the important stuff. What is important is that our football team finally won their first football game. And it was an away game too! We had to travel to Rio Grande City. I got a ride there from Laura and we got there a little late. The score was already 7-0 Mustangs. We scored two more rushing TDs, and entered halftime with a 20-0 lead. The second half was not as productive, but we held the Rattlers to only 6 points. Final score was 20-6. I was a little disappointed Dietz didn't get me a pick, but that's okay. We won at least!

Later today is the senior informal picture. Osborne came over yesterday to work on the signs that we will be holding up.

Homecoming is in like two weeks...

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