Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Well, I slept late Friday night. Actually I technically slept early Saturday. But anyway, that's not important. I woke up around 9:30-10:00 a.m., ate breakfast, and got showered. At around 12:30 p.m., Osborne came by to pick me up for the Senior Informal picture.

We got there on time and instead of the fire truck that I thought they had requested, we had two army trucks to take the picture. Da was already there, and he had saved spots for us. We got up on the deck of one of the trucks, and we waited for about 10-15 minutes for the photgrapher to get ready. By that time, there were so many people on the truck and around it. Finally, he was ready. We held up our signs, which read Asian Mustangs. Da was also wearing his Chinese cap and sunglasses. It was great. Jeremy brought us home afterwards.

I did some Calculus homework, ate lunch, and slept a bit. And that's about all that happened.

Homecoming in 13 days...

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