Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

today was uneventful.
school was the same old boring thing it always is. history was a little bit diff. in that we had a discussion for quite a bit of time. and art. well, we just went to the lab where i worked on my artist assignment.
we continued our review in chem.
we did a lab in bio.
we did nothing in calc.
we did about nothing in newspaper. sandy and i went looking for the "fem-cop", but she won't let us take her picture alone. gee, now sandy must know what it's like when we try to get her to take a picture... we talked about "stuff", and that was about it.
we did nothing in physics, then we took notes.
studied for chem. w/ joseph. it went fairly well. it's been one of the few times i have studied hardcore for any test ahead of time.
tomorrow, we have the tex. scholar ceremony and we also go to the athletic club in the afternoon.
and i had a really bad moodswing today. shit.

it was basically the same reason why i had moodswings before, so i guess it's normal. it'll pass out somehow right? hmm, i think i might just be confused now.

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