Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

well, i woke up at 9:00 a.m. i helped my dad make some breakfast (note to self: don't let him cook the bacon again) and then i took a shower. we headed out, picked up my coat, which looked very nice after the cleaning. from there, we went to go buy a bowtie. picked up the corsage (it was very pretty). i saw laura (farrer) and sabrina there as well. then we went to lunch at china cafe and i saw paolo's mom.

after lunch, i was blah, so we went home (about 1 or 2 p.m.). i slept all the way until 5 p.m., and i woke up to iron my shirt. at about 5:30, i took another shower, just to be extra clean. i made a quick xanga post (as you read) and then i waited for osborne. he arrived around 6:45 p.m. i think, and we left for laura's.

at her house, we exchanged flowers and we posed for a couple of pictures (she has nice parents, and her dog is a doll). we left and went to jonny carino's (sp? i can't seem to get it). we had a nice dinner and my parents came at 8:30 to say hi and drop of my cufflinks. we left for mario's at around 8:45 p.m.

we arrived at the banquet hall, but like no one was really there. jason and gaby were, and i must say, that was a sight. jason really did fall through with his plan to wear a t-shirt tux. and he also sprayed his hair green i believe. gaby had her boots w/ shiny things on it (lol). we all sorta sat at the table for like half an hour, greeting people as they came in. then the dj put on some slow music, and laura and i decided to dance. we danced to i think three songs (in a row), one being all my life by k-ci and jojo. then we did some other dance, idk what it's called, but it was fun.

after that, we took pictures. the line was long when we decided to take them, and we we're probably in it for half an hour. as a result, we missed my immortal, which i really wanted to dance to ( ). we went back to the dance floor following and we really got it going. it all started with the hookie pookie, but we stayed for the following songs (ranging from techno to just dancing style music). after that, they held the slide show, video, and presentations. osborne won most likely to b/c a millionaire. then we left, so that bree could get home in time. i escorted laura out. we picked up our glasses on the way.

the ride home was peaceful. dropped of bree, and then dropped off laura. i walked her to her door and her dad greeted us, as well as rico (the dog ^_^). then osborne and i went back to my place where we posed for our own photos.

so that's it. if you want more details, or a personal account, y'all know how to get me.

i'm out! ^_^

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