Where I can unload the baggage that accumalates through the day.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

well, i woke up at 9:00 a.m. i helped my dad make some breakfast (note to self: don't let him cook the bacon again) and then i took a shower. we headed out, picked up my coat, which looked very nice after the cleaning. from there, we went to go buy a bowtie. picked up the corsage (it was very pretty). i saw laura (farrer) and sabrina there as well. then we went to lunch at china cafe and i saw paolo's mom.

after lunch, i was blah, so we went home (about 1 or 2 p.m.). i slept all the way until 5 p.m., and i woke up to iron my shirt. at about 5:30, i took another shower, just to be extra clean. i made a quick xanga post (as you read) and then i waited for osborne. he arrived around 6:45 p.m. i think, and we left for laura's.

at her house, we exchanged flowers and we posed for a couple of pictures (she has nice parents, and her dog is a doll). we left and went to jonny carino's (sp? i can't seem to get it). we had a nice dinner and my parents came at 8:30 to say hi and drop of my cufflinks. we left for mario's at around 8:45 p.m.

we arrived at the banquet hall, but like no one was really there. jason and gaby were, and i must say, that was a sight. jason really did fall through with his plan to wear a t-shirt tux. and he also sprayed his hair green i believe. gaby had her boots w/ shiny things on it (lol). we all sorta sat at the table for like half an hour, greeting people as they came in. then the dj put on some slow music, and laura and i decided to dance. we danced to i think three songs (in a row), one being all my life by k-ci and jojo. then we did some other dance, idk what it's called, but it was fun.

after that, we took pictures. the line was long when we decided to take them, and we we're probably in it for half an hour. as a result, we missed my immortal, which i really wanted to dance to ( ). we went back to the dance floor following and we really got it going. it all started with the hookie pookie, but we stayed for the following songs (ranging from techno to just dancing style music). after that, they held the slide show, video, and presentations. osborne won most likely to b/c a millionaire. then we left, so that bree could get home in time. i escorted laura out. we picked up our glasses on the way.

the ride home was peaceful. dropped of bree, and then dropped off laura. i walked her to her door and her dad greeted us, as well as rico (the dog ^_^). then osborne and i went back to my place where we posed for our own photos.

so that's it. if you want more details, or a personal account, y'all know how to get me.

i'm out! ^_^

Thursday, May 06, 2004

today was uneventful.
school was the same old boring thing it always is. history was a little bit diff. in that we had a discussion for quite a bit of time. and art. well, we just went to the lab where i worked on my artist assignment.
we continued our review in chem.
we did a lab in bio.
we did nothing in calc.
we did about nothing in newspaper. sandy and i went looking for the "fem-cop", but she won't let us take her picture alone. gee, now sandy must know what it's like when we try to get her to take a picture... we talked about "stuff", and that was about it.
we did nothing in physics, then we took notes.
studied for chem. w/ joseph. it went fairly well. it's been one of the few times i have studied hardcore for any test ahead of time.
tomorrow, we have the tex. scholar ceremony and we also go to the athletic club in the afternoon.
and i had a really bad moodswing today. shit.

it was basically the same reason why i had moodswings before, so i guess it's normal. it'll pass out somehow right? hmm, i think i might just be confused now.

Monday, May 03, 2004

starting to have those flashbacks to the past. it's been too fast. the memories will last a lifetime however. and i wouldn't give any of them up either. i'm going to look for the journal i had started earlier this year and put up those entries into my blog/xanga.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

yay! i don't know.

Saturday, May 01, 2004


i like it more now.

but i won't let this one die completely.

i'm out.

Friday, April 30, 2004

oh yeah, we got our flowers ordered. somehow, i'm not feeling excited for some reason...

what's wrong with me!?!?!
i don't know. for some reason, i'm feeling really moody. it's something i can't quite put my mind to. like, i want to talk about the day, but i don't know what i would say either.

maybe it's just a realization that my life is changing in under three weeks. so many things are taking place this time of year. it's almost overwhelming. part of me wishes it will never come. i'm going to miss this old life so much. i know living in the past is pointless, but i just feel safe in it. no worries. no problems. okay well, some problems, but nothing i can't handle.

it doesn't help that i'm staying home for college. i can't even get away from it all. i'll be in like limbo. half in the new, half in the old. at least if i went away it would be completely new.

everybody seems happy. i am some parts of the day. why so moody!??! ahahahahaharhaghaglhlkdjglsajlkdsj. yeah okay...

i'm out.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

so, yesterday i got my hair trimmed. it didn't come out to bad, so i'm happy with it. called around this morning about corsages. then i looked around my room and noticed i had $42 left from UIL, which i thought i had spent, but not really b/c i was wondering why i had no more money left when i spent like nothing. sorry for long sentence. but yeah, that's nice. now i have some money to spend!

chemistry test tomorrow. ap's start next week. prom next saturday. and i need to sign up for breakin bball.

i'm out!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Woke up late this morning. Was about to drink a glass of orange juice when my ride to school arrived. School went by fast. Nothing really important happened. It was boring. Now I owe Da $2.50 for lunch. Yeah, that's about it.

Planning on getting a hair cut tomorrow and buying Prom "equipment" on Saturday.

Bored so...

I'm out.

Monday, April 26, 2004

I apologize for not posting last night. Upon returning home, I slept. We then went to the Chen's house for dinner. We came home and worked on a research paper until about 12 a.m., so I didn't have an opportunity to get onto Blogger. Therefore, I will update y'all today.

Friday: We went to school like normal, but we met in Mrs. Martin's room. Mr. Hetrick, the Baldwin's, and a few of the other sponsors were already there. Osborne and I dropped off our stuff, and Paolo also joined us. From there, we had to wait for the rest to show up, so we decided to head to the library. Unfortunately, we we're kicked out because we weren' studying. That supercedes the fact that we were talking quietly. So, we left, and we went back to Mrs. Martin's room. She came in and brought us this ginormous bag of snacks and goodies. Then, Sandy called us. Unfortunately, it was bad news. She had eaten something bad the night before, and wouldn't be able to go to San Antonio with us. Luckily, we were able to contact the alternate school.

After everyone arrived, we loaded the bus. There were a total of 16 going, and 9 of them students. We got a whole school bus. Yes, the dearly beloved yellow limousine (thanks for the sp. Carol ;-) ). At least it had air conditioning. The ride was fairly boring, but we found ways to keep ourselves occupied, whether it was with music, cards, or sleeping. We stopped at a DQ for a break, and I bought a Blizzard. We headed out again and I think I crashed out, because when I woke up, we we're in San Antonio. For lunch, we had Cracker Barrel. While there, I bought a cow beanie baby.

We scouted out UTSA before heading back to the hotel. Following that, we went to one of the local malls. The bus driver hit a stop sign along the way. We had lots of fun. Went to GAP and bought some clothes (I finally used up my gift cards) and we walked around and "browsed" some of the other stores. I was with Paolo, Osborne, and Jeremy, but the latter two went to the food court after a while. They weren't in the shopping mood. The girls ran off to some other stores, and the other guys kind of split off. We left, and we headed to Papaddeaux's for dinner. It was about a 30 min. wait, but it was well worth it. To start off, the food was good. It was Cajun style food, and I ordered a Orleans Fish or Fillet or something like that. It was a piece of fish covered with crawfish and crab with dirty rice on the side. Second, the school payed for the whole meal! It was ~$20, so, it ended up being about $300 by my guestimation. Afterwards we went to B&N and I bought Divine Discontent by Sixpence None the Richer. Then we went back and played some GameCube before we slept.

Saturday: We woke up early to compete. By 9 a.m., we were at UTSA waiting. I actually competed around 11:30 a.m., followed by seven hours of waiting. I did some Biology, ate two hot dogs, and a half-pint of vanilla ice cream, with smartie's in it.

In the evening, we went to the mall again, but this time to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. We had to wait again, so we walked around for about 20 mins. This time, Paolo and I went to Victoria's Secret to buy those mints. We also went to Bath & Body Works. There, we put on lotion and started spraying body mist. We were offered help two times, so it was really funny when we left and the employees were just staring at us.

At the Cheesecake Factory, all the students sat at one table. By then, Victor, Andrew, and Jorge had already left for Fiesta Texas, so there were only six of us left. We continued our stupidity by going to the bathroom in a group and acting as stupid as possible. We ended up ordering three dishes (all six of us, Osborne, Paolo, Kate, Sandy, Jeremy, and I shared them): a shrimp bistro, a pizza, and some chicken dish. For dessert, we ordered three cheesecakes: tiramisu, some oreo one, and another chocolate type. What we did was have one cake in front of us and we had 30 secs. to eat as much as possible, after which we switched. Following that, we returned to the hotel. This time, we stayed up to about 4 a.m. playing video games.

Sunday: We woke up around 8:30 a.m. and headed out by 9 a.m. The ride home was equally as boring. At least we had more space for ourselves. We played cards again and slept. Osborne and Sandy did Physics I think. We stopped at the same DQ again for a break, and we stopped in Falfurias for a lunch at What-A-Burger. Then we left for home, reaching school at about 4 p.m.

Wow. That was a lot.

Today, we received our yearbooks. Tomorrow through Thursday, Srs. get to go to school later (11:40 a.m.) because of testing.

Well, remember to keep praying.

I'm out.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I won't be posting again until Sunday, since that is when we will return.
We're heading to San Antonio tomorrow. The bus will depart at around 8:00 a.m. and we'll probably end up getting there about 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday is when we actually compete.

Osborne has a new date now, so everything is okay again.

I think I did well on my biology test, so thankg God for that.

Remember, keep praying!

I'm out.
Everyone's gone, so now I'm just reading. I'm restless. And I don't know why...

Anyway, just wanted to say to remember to keep praying!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I'm waiting for everyone to get over here for the Biology Bash and Bowlorama. Well, minus the bowlorama part. Last time we went to 2 a.m., so we'll see if we can get it down earlier today. The material seems easy, so I hope everything goes well.

Today was great. Laura said yes, Jason and Gaby both ate some plant that messed them up (I want to say it was poisonous), and we finally finished the fifth issue of the paper. I'm more anxious about the last issue that will be coming out before we graduate.

Regionals in 2 more days! I'm so excited! I really want to do well and place. Our staff has had an awesome year and winning more awards would make it all that more special. I'm going to miss so much when I leave. I better stop here or else I might start tearing...

I'm out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

An uneventful day to say the least. Nothing fun happened today. Maybe playing cards in Calculus, but that was just to past time. Finished all of my homework, so I think I might go study for something. Not sure what though. Whatever comes to my mind.

3 more days until Regionals!

Praying harder than ever. Y'all are in mine and I'm in yours.

I'm out.

Monday, April 19, 2004

What a day! I got an 'A' on my Chemistry test. Thank God! I passed Biology with an 'A'. Thank God again! Mr. Brashear extended the Calculus project another day! Thank God 3x!

Asked Laura.

Just about done with classes at Pan-Am. I finished my interview projects today, so I don't have to do anything else now. I worked on my newspaper stories a bit today. Tomorrow, we're planning on having a Biology study session.

Regionals in 4 days!

Remember, keep praying. ;-)

I'm out.

Monday, April 12, 2004

I forgot. On Saturday there was a Chinese Association meeting at the A&M farm.

I'm out.
Man, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Osborne is going to be so bummed out...

I'm out.
Easter was great!

On Friday, I helped my dad do some research, and I finished my University of Texas - Dallas application. After that, I just kicked back and relaxed. I think I might have stayed up late. It's so hard to remember sometimes.

On Saturday, some members of National Honor Society and I went to the Rio Grande Children's Home and threw an Easter party. We decorated, hid eggs, played games, and ate (of course). During one of the egg games, a kid dropped his egg on my flip-flops. It got egg goop on it. But it was okay. At least it washes off right? We had pizza and sodas for lunch and that about wrapped it up. A few of us cleaned up and then we took some of the extra cascarones (confetti eggs) and we had a war with them. I hit Caitlin three times and Osborne and Gina once. Osborne got me also though.

Sunday, we went to church for service, and the choir put on an amazing medley. I thoroughly enjoyed that. We went to the Chens' house later in the evening for dinner and prayer.

Monday, I slept in until about 11 a.m. Easter holiday was still on, but I had night class at Pan. Am.

Well, that's about all that happened. Almost done with school!

I'm out.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Met with my physics group to work on the Glider Project. Almost the end of the week. I can't wait!

Don't feel like writing much.

I'm out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Haven't updated in a while.

I did get my permit, so now I'm driving around. Bought The Return of the King Soundtrack. It's freaking awesome. Finished my newspaper story, so now I can go sleep and not worry about it.

I'm out.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Got back around 8:00 p.m. It was a nice break overall. Back home, and that means back to work. I've got a schedule all made out, so hopefully I can abide by it. Would like to be more productive. I did do one thing already. I updated the Trinity Baptist site tonight. I'll work on the Chinese Ministry site tomorrow.

Will try to get my driving stuff on Thursday. Also try to get some studying done, as well as use my time better.

I don't really have much else to say.

I'm out.

Monday, March 08, 2004

On Spring Break. Right now I'm in Houston, having a good time. We had some Chinese food and I had my hair trimmed.

About to go out, so that's all.

I'm out.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I'm sitting in Newspaper with Da on my left. We're not really doing anything. Sandy and Corrine are sitting in their little corner doing something. Osborne is sitting across from me, but I don't know what he's doing. Jeremy seems to be working on the next issue. We're just talking about stupid things.

Only about an hour before we get out for Spring Break. We should be going to Houston for a few days. Hopefully I get my hair done. I'd like to get my hair colored. I'm also waiting for some good Chinese food.

Just finished the Calculus and Chemistry tests. I think I kicked their asses. Hopefully I kicked their asses.

Wishing everyone a good Spring Break. Asian Scholar Society will start writing their constitution today. Good day!

I'm out.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Had lots of fun doing nothing while the others took their TAKS tests. Helped some of them cheat :-P . Having study group for chemistry right now. Only a total of two people came, but at different times. Lopez moved the test to Tuesday after Spring Break. Had a calculus test today. Have another three more problems for tomorrow, and a chemistry test also. Not to mention a history quiz. I can't wait for Houston. Time for some long overdue Chinese food and maybe a new hairstyle. Woohoo! Alright! Rock on!

Okay, I need to get back to studying. I don't want to fail my test.

I'm out.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Return of the King. Return to sexyness. That movie freaking kicked butt! I loved it! "You hobbits bow to no one..." That line seriously made me tear up. I really enjoyed the movie. Plenty of action in this one, which I really like. It strayed a bit from the book, but I don't really mind that. The music is beautiful. I'm going to try to get the soundtrack somehow.

Then the Oscars. The opening portion of the show was wonderful. Introducing Billy Crystal with a parody on Return of the King was a funny idea. It was really cool how they incorporated him into all the scenes and stuff.

And then Return of the King won 11 Oscars! That was so awesome. I was so overjoyed I couldn't even describe how happy I was.

But enough of that.

I'm out.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Darn it! I forgot to update my blog 2 days in a row! I'm mad...

Nothing really happened this week. Friday was the last day of the grading period.

Later tonight, I"m going to go see Return of the King. There are too many people seeing the newer moives.

I'm out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

It's hump day!

Went to school and it was the same as normal. During physics, we went out to the field to shoot two catapults. One was a large trebuchet-like machine, while the other was like a mini-bazooka. It was pretty cool. After watching the groups test them, a few of us ran inside and flipped a couple of backpacks. That was hilarious. They came in and looked at their bags, and the expressions on their faces was funny.

I got home and found a letter from Baylor in my mailbox. I received a $36,000 scholarship, along with another $4,000 one. Pretty nice...

Well, have a history test tomorrow morning.

I'm out.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

well, i slept till 9:00 today. then i ate, showered, and did part of my physics proj. it felt so weird going to the morning classes in the afternoon. really hyper for one thing. normally in the morning, everyone is so subdued. i finally did finish my project tho.

have a biology test tomorrow. but i can't read cuz i'll end up fallin asleep. will try again in a little while.


Monday, February 23, 2004

yay! i didn't have night class today! now i have to work on my speech for the class. thinking along the lines of better forms of energy, with a small quip about chernobyl, since that's what my physics project is on.

get to sleep late tonight, cuz seniors go to school late tomorrow.

happy early mardi gras to everyone! catch me a lot of throws (i.e. beads, girdles, thongs, dubloons, etc.)

lots of work to do, so little time. probably should start up again with looking and doing some scholarships. do some real studying and stop being lazy. please pray that i get into the pan-am/baylor program. i'm running out of options...


i'm out.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

well, another weekend gone!

i just remembered today that i had an extra credit assignment i could've done, but forgot all the stuff at school. so now i'm like screwed. i'll try to do it tomorrow morning. something is better than nothing right?

get to go to school late on tuesday cuz of taks. just so happen that's also mardi gras. man, how i wish we had mardi gras here! arggg!!!!!!!!!!!

hey yah, if u need relationship advice, im me: urloveguru . i just like giving advice. :-D

man, i want to see some movies. miracle, the passion of the christ, king arthur, spider-man 2, return of the king, some others i can't recall.

okay, i don't know what else to post.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

pretty interesting week i think. we had a couple of tests, but i think i did okay on all of them. went to b&n 2 nights in a row to do a freakin physics test. like the whole class was there. the first night, we also had a chem study group there at the same time, so i was doing chem and then physics interchangably every 5 mins. hehe. i had fun tho.

last week, i saw the pan-am broncs win their homecoming game. 90-72 over texas a&m corpus christi. it was entertaining. it was on valentines day and the same day as presentation, which i turned out not going to b/c i had no one to go with. osborne ended up winning most popular, so something good came out of it. so, instead i went to the game with caitlin. we ate at schlotzeky's deli (or however you spell the freakin thing). they had this cheese and brocoli soup. omg, i love that soup. the baked potato soup at outback is good too.

jeremy had his b-day on friday. we made him wear a princess crown and we made a movie of it.

we went outside with mr. lopez when the power went out on tuesday or wednesday. we just ran around and hid his shoes.

that's about it for this week. will edit if i remember something.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

hey everyone! long time since i posted. will try to make a habit of posting on wednesdays.

had a great christmas. went to new orleans like last year. basically hung out and had a great time. met up with the remnants of the chinese mafia. also played football during the break. we went to see the sound of music with the yu's and then chan's in biloxi. pretty good! celebrated new year's eve with danny, the tsai's, ophie, and terence but watching swat. on the second, celebrated dad's birthdad at imperial. the yu kids and carol came to celebrate with us. man, that food was good. i can wait till i can have it again. all in all a good holiday.

the only sad thing was that dee dee's granddad died on christmas day. but, at least he died in his sleep and he was a christian.

i came back and finally got my acceptance letter for tulane! that's in new orleans for those of you who don't know.man, that made up for a lack of presents for sure. then, on like the second saturday of the new year, i found out i was the monitor's student of the week. man, god had already blessed me twice this year, and i'm not even counting the little things.

i got my report card and yes, i pulled off straight a's barely. man, calculus... i'm so freaking lucky. all applications are sent in, excluding the pan am-baylor program app., but that will go in soon.

birthday next monday. whoohoo! can you say driver's license?

only 5 more months left...